There’s a bakery shop near to our house. Often, on my way back home in the evening, I buy some stuff for the morning breakfast. Today, as I was about to leave the bakery, I met our neighbour Mr. Irfan who himself was leaving the same shop. After the exchange of some traditional greetings, the conversation went like following.

I asked: “What have you bought?”

Irfan replied: “Nothing much Hanif, just some chicken patties and some sweetmeats for my wife and children”.

Jokingly, I enquired, “Why so? Hasn't your wife cooked today?”

Irfan said: “No, Hanif, it’s not like that. Actually today in office we were a little hungry so my colleagues ordered some patties and sweetmeats. Since, I had this at the office I thought to buy some for my family too. It’s not fair that I eat whatever I like at the office while my kids and wife remain bound to eat whatever is cooked at home.”

Confounded with great surprise, I stared at him because I never thought this way before.

I said: “What’s the big deal, Irfan?  If you eat food of your own choice at the office, your wife and children would also be having whatever they like to eat at home.”

Irfan replied: “Not at all, Hanif! My wife saves for me from everything there is. Even if someone from neighborhood sends something, my wife first saves some for me and then distributes it among my kids. It would be very selfish if I just enjoy good things with my friends and not with my family.”

Amazed upon hearing this I said: “Enjoying? This bakery stuff is what you think is enjoyment?”

He said: “Whatever Hanif! I dread the time when on the Day of Resurrection I’ll be questioned about this. That I took someone’s daughter into marriage and had fun with my friends while she ate whatever little was available.”

Completely stunned, I couldn’t move my eyes off him while he continued.

Irfan: “Look, when we get married to someone’s sister or daughter, they are human beings as well. Just like us. They too have hunger needs. They have their desires as well. They too wish to taste lots of delicious foods or foods of their choice, to try different kinds of lovely outfits. They also want to move and travel around. Keeping them caged like a bird, providing them meals twice a day and having a sense of smugness for doing all this is selfishness. And the way we treat the daughters of others is the way our own daughters and sisters will be treated because what goes around comes around.”

His last words shook me to a great degree. I never thought like this before.  Concluding the conversation with Irfan I said, “Great! You have made me think from a different perspective.”

I turned back to the shop.

Irfan: “Where are you going?”

I replied, “To buy some ice-cream…actually I had some ice-cream at the office today.”

Irfan and Hanif took their respective paths. Irfan was glad to have a positive impact on Hanif. On the other hand, Hanif, now, knew how to keep his wife and kids happy and acknowledge all the efforts his wife does for his happiness.

Wives are what makes life beautiful!

A Small Story ..

A Small Story -
Carrying Big Message

Hello.. Sir,
Calling from Old Age Home.
We saw Your Advertisement of Missing Dog.
It has come  here and Playing with Your Mother !!

when GOD orders..

Beautiful message...

A very poor woman with a small family called-in to a radio station asking for help from God.

A non-believer man who was also listening to this radio program decided to make fun of the woman.

He got her address, called his secretary and ordered her to buy a large amount of foodstuffs and take to the woman.

However, he sent it with the following instruction: "When the woman asks who sent the food, tell her that its from the devil.''

When the secretary arrived at the woman's house, the woman was so happy and grateful for the help that had been received. She started putting the food inside her small house.

The Secretary then asked her, ''Don't you want to know who sent the food?''

The woman replied, ''No, Say thanks to whomever sent ths! I don't care who the person is because when GOD orders, even the devil obeys!


જીવનમાં સફળ થવું હોય તો..

જીવનમાં સફળ થવું હોય તો..
આ પાંચ વાક્યોને કચરાનાં ડબ્બામાં હંમેશ માટે ફેંકી દો..!'

1● લોકો શું કહેશે..?
2● આ મારાંથી નહીં થાય..?
3● મારો મૂડ સારો નથી...!
4● મારું નસીબ જ ખરાબ છે...!
5● મારી પાસે સમય જ નથી..!

'હંમેશા કહેતા રહો..
માનતા રહો..કે
        હું શ્રેષ્ઠ છું.....
       હું બધું કરી શકું છું...
કારણ પ્રભુ હંમેશા મારી સાથે જ છે..!

जीवन एक प्रतिध्वनि है

एक सब्ज़ी वाला था सब्ज़ी की पूरी दुकान साइकल पर लगा कर घूमता रहता था ।"भगवान" उसका तकिया कलाम था । कोई पूछता आलू कैसे दिये, 10 रुपये भगवान, हरी धनीया है क्या ? बिलकुल ताज़ा है भगवान। वह सबको भगवान कहता था । लोग भी उसको भगवान कहकर पुकारने लगे।

 भगवान- भगवान सुनकर मुझे चिड़ आतीं थी। मैने उससे पूछा तुम्हारा कोई असली नाम है भी या नहीं*?

 है न ,भगवान भैयालाल पटेल।

 मैंने कहा तुम हर किसी को भगवान क्यों बोलते हो*।

 भगवान में शुरू से अनपढ़ गँवार हूँ। गॉव में मज़दूरी करता था, गाँव में एक नामी सन्त की कथा हुईं कथा मेरे पल्ले नहीं पड़ी लेकिन एक लाइन मेरे दिमाग़ में आकर फँस गई , उन्होंने कहा हर इन्सान में भगवान हैं -तलाशने की कोशिश तो करो पता नहीं किस इन्सान में मिल जाय ओर तुम्हारा उद्धार कर जाये,

 बस उस दिन से मैने हर मिलने वाले को भगवान की नज़र से देखना ओर पुकारना शुरू कर दिया वाकई चमत्त्कार हो गया दुनिया के लिए शैतान आदमी भी मेरे लिये भगवान हो गया ऐसे दिन फिरें कि मज़दूर से व्यापारी हो गया सुख समृद्धि के सारे साधन जुड़ते गये मेरे लिये तो सारी दुनिया ही भगवान बन गईं।*

 लाख टके की बात

 जीवन एक प्रतिध्वनि है आप जिस लहजे में आवाज़ देंगे पलटकर आपको उसी लहजे में सुनाईं देंगीं।


जीवन में यही देखना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं कि कौन हमसे आगे है या कौन पीछे,

यह भी देखना चाहिए कि कौन हमारे साथ है और हम किसके साथ....!!!

जुड़ना बड़ी बात नही,
जुड़े रहना बड़ी बात है.

ગઝલ સમર્પિત છે મિત્રો ની દિલદારી

આ ગઝલ સમર્પિત છે મિત્રો ની દિલદારી 
    અને વફાદારી ને .....

ફળે  છે  ઇબાદત  , ને  ખુદા મળે  છે
મિત્રોને   નિહાળીને  ,  ઉર્જા  મળે  છે

નથી જાતો  મંદિર , મસ્જિદ ,ચર્ચમાં
મિત્રોના  ઘરોમાં  જ  દેવતા  મળે  છે

ખસું  છુ  હું  જયારે  સતત ખુદમાંથી
મિત્ર તારા  હૃદયમાં  જગ્યા  મળે  છે

સમય છે ઉકળતો ને જીવન સળગતું
મિત્રોની  હથેળીમાં ,  શાતા  મળે  છે

ઈચ્છા  ને   તમન્ના  બધી   થાય  પૂરી
મને  ઊંઘમાં મિત્રના  સપના મળે  છે

ડૂબું છુ  આ સંસાર  સાગરમાં  જયારે 
મિત્રતાના  મજબૂત  તરાપા મળે  છે

દવાઓ  ને   સારવાર  નીવડે  નકામી
મિત્રોની  અસરદાર   દુઆ   મળે   છે

જીવન કે  મરણની  ગમે  તે  ઘડી  હો
સદ્નસીબે  મિત્રોના ખભ્ભા  મળે  છે

Once upon a time .Funny

Once upon a time ..a small boy named Basheer lived in a tiny Moroccan village. All his classmates hated him for his stupidity especially his teacher who was always yelling at him "you are driving me crazy Basheer"...
One day his mother went to check out how he is doing at school and the teacher told her honestly that her son is simply a disaster, getting very low marks and never had she seen such a dumb boy in her whole career...
The mother could not accept such a feed back and she took her son out from that school. she even shifted to another city ...
25 years later, that teacher got a cardio disorder and all the doctors have advised her to go for an open heart operation which only one surgeon could perform..
Left with no other choice she did it and the surgery was successful ...when she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome doctor smiling to her, being under anesthesia effect, she wanted to thank him but could not talk, in turn, he was staring at her face which started turning blue, she was raising her hand trying to tell him some thing but in vain and eventually died...
The doctor was shocked and was trying to understand what just happened, till he turned back and saw our friend Basheer working as a cleaner in that hospital who unplugged the ventilator to connect his vacuum cleaner......
If you were thinking that Basheer became a doctor, its because you have been watching too many Indian movies, serials or have read too many motivational foward messages...